Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Unhealthy Truth

I just finished this book, The Unhealthy Truth by Robyn O'Brien, and can't recommend it enough. The author researched the dickens out of accredited European and Australian studies to find out why things like rBGH, genetically engineered crops, artificial colors and other additives have been banned from use in countries like England, France, Italy, Norway and New Zealand.

All of these ingredients (plus alot of other scary things) are perfectly legal (and sometimes subsidized by the US government) here in the United States. The research she cites show why allergies, asthma, ADHD and cancer rates are on the rise -- they all coincide with the introduction of toxins into the American food supply.

O'Brien also uncovers the link between the Big Agribusiness and government agencies like the FDA. The book is both facinating and horrifying but it's a really good introduction into these subjects, and includes tips on how to gradually wean your family off of highly processed foods to those that aren't as bad.

The book is written from the viewpoint of a mother learning about how these unhealthy foods are affecting her young children. I think this book is a must-read for all mothers. What we're feeding our children is so important! Everyone needs to have the knowledge to make informed decisions on what even so-called "healthy" processed food contains.


  1. Love this little blog! Looking forward to the biscuit recipe (with homemade buttermilk), homemade yogurt and bread receipes!

  2. Love your blog! I have always been a health-conscious eater, but after recently reading Animal, Vegetable, Miracle (highly recommend), I have sworn to avoid processed food all together. Forever. It is so gross! I will definitely pick up a copy of this book. Thanks!

  3. Thanks guys!!

    Sarah Nicole -- AVM was the first book I ever read on the topic of food, a couple years ago, and I loooove it! Barbara K was already one of my fav authors and now I just adore her!
