Saturday, February 12, 2011

Eating Animals

Sorry for the long absence. But I'm back!

And the big news is...that I'm going vegetarian. The catalyst for this decision was primarily this book...

Eating Animals was written by one of my very favorite authors of all time (Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close, Everything Is Illuminated) and this was his first non-novel. His writing always touches me on an extremely deep level and this book was no exception. He explores the moral, environmental and social implications of eating factory farmed meat and by the end of it, I felt I could not justify being a part of it any longer.

One of the great things about this book is that it's not just a hard-sell for vegetarianism. Foer is not trying to scare you into not eating meat. He explores family farms quite extensively and completely supports what they're doing -- giving animals the best life possible and a humane death before being turned into food.

I recommend this book to anyone seriously researching where our food comes from. While most of the information regarding factory farming is not going to be new to anyone who's read anything by Michael Pollan, the moral and nearly spiritual reasons to not eat meat are presented in a way I had never considered. Add in the facts regarding the environmental havoc we're causing (particularly the fishing industry), and you're left with a lot to think about.

So, with all of that said, I'm back to blogging and will hopefully have lots of amazing vegetarian dishes to share with you as I continue my quest into eating healthfully and wholefully (that should so be a word). I'll apologize in advance for the quality of my photos -- I know we're all used to excellence around here. My husband has been doing it all for me, but the truth is, he's way too busy with actual things than being bothered by me about a silly blog. So as long as you're cool with that, I'll see you back here soon.



  1. Welcome back! I too am moving toward a vegetarian/mostly vegan lifestyle for the same reasons. Can't wait for new recipes!


  2. Welcome back! Looks like we're going to be doing Lent this year which is no meat or dairy (for 40 days). So I could use some vegetarian recipes too. Preferrably with lots of protein. Also, iPhone photos and the like are totally fine by me. Can't wait to see more. :)
